Our Ultimate Wall Decoration Guide

Af Barbara Rombach den January 30, 2023

Decorating your walls with plants is a great way to add greenery to your interior and enjoy the benefits of plants. Turning your home into a jungle with SQUARELY COPENHAGEN has never been easier.

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Here is an easy 3-step-wall-decoration-guide for you to enjoy your hanging plants.


1. Choose your wall combination 

With our wall planters you can decorate your plant wall with ease and style. Our large variety of planters and finishes can fit any style and home. 

Depending on the plants you have or want, we have the following suggestions for wall combinations.

Choose your own wall combination.


2. Pick your favourite plants 🌿

Picking the right plants is an essential step in your wall design process. When choosing greenery for your wall it's important not only to consider the look of the plant but also the environment in which it needs to thrive.

There is a never-ending variety of foliage, but here are two of our favourites.


Marble photos

Marble photos is a versatile plant that can adapt and grow in various conditions. It is a perfect plant for beginners and people who want easy-to-take care of plants.

You should avoid exposing Marble Photos to direct sunlight, but it does enjoy a bright environment. 


Silver vine

This beautiful plant requires little care while still remaining luscious. It thrives in bright indirect light, so it’s best placed a bit away from the window. 

It should not be watered too often, but it is quite forgiving if you forget about it. 


3. Match your plants with your wall decorations

There is a lot of beautiful species of plants with different characteristics, and there is nothing wrong with treating your plants just like any other piece of your wall decorations. 

GrowBIGGrowWIDE + StandWIDE, and GrowON Wall all in natural ash


In fact, you should match your choice of plant with your paintings or posters to fit it to the look of your home or office. Choose plants with a colour and leaves that create a visually pleasing yet interesting touch to your art wall.


For more options, inspiration and tips read our guide on hanging plants.



Whatever hanging plant you choose, our self-watering planters will help you enjoy them and see them thrive with minimal effort. 

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