The 10 Best Indoor Hanging Plants to Turn Your Home Into a Jungle

durch Ida Andersen auf September 07, 2022

Plants are an essential part of interior design. They enhance and bring life into the space, serve as a great accessory and even have health benefits. 

Plant hanging from the ceiling in self watering planter

Self Watering planter - GrowWIDE - hanging from the roof

There is a never-ending variety of foliage, but today we are focusing on hanging plants. Whether it is an office or your home - hanging plants can not only add greenery to your space but also serve as wall decoration.

With our wall planters taking care of plants and having a beautiful space has never been so easy. 

It might be difficult to choose the best type of plant for you. Here are our recommendations for the best hanging plants for your space:

1. Spider plant

  • Latin name: Chlorophytum comosum
  • Type of soil: general purpose potting soil
  • Sun exposure: medium to bright

Spider plant is one the most popular houseplants. There are good reasons for that. 

It’s very easy to take care of and it can thrive in nearly any conditions. It’s a perfect plant for beginners, people who are not experienced with plants, or just the ones who are looking for fuss-free greenery. 

It can grow in medium to bright light. And thrive in general-purpose potting soil. It should be watered well, but do not overdo it.

2. Silver vine

Silver philodendron

  • Latin name: Scindapsus Pictus
  • Type of soil: organic well-draining potting soil
  • Sun exposure: bright, indirect light

Silver vine connects ease with beauty. It comes in a few varieties, with different degrees of silver on the leaves.

This beautiful plant requires little care while still remaining luscious. It thrives in bright indirect light, so it’s best placed a bit away from the window. It does best in well-draining organic soil, so when potting don’t forget to add something for drainage. It should not be watered too often, but it is quite forgiving if you forget about it.     

Please, note this plant is toxic to pets and children.

3. String of hearts

String of hearts

  • Latin name: Ceropegia
  • Type of soil: cacti potting mix
  • Sun exposure: bright but not direct sunlight

String of hearts is a beautiful succulent that grows in a trailing vine. It is not the easiest to take care of at first, but with a few tips, you can master the art. 

It should be planted in a container with a lot of drainage since it is not good for it to sit in a lot of water. The plant enjoys heat and a lot of light, but not direct sunlight. So, make sure to place it next to a window. Don’t over-water it, as it is a succulent

4. Marble pothos

Marble pothos

  • Latin name: Epipremnum aureum
  • Type of soil: loamy, moist but well-draining
  • Sun exposure: partial

Marble pothos is a versatile plant that can adapt and grow in various conditions. It is a perfect plant for beginners and people who want easy-to-take care of plant.

You should avoid exposing Marble Pothos to direct sunlight, but it does enjoy a bright environment. It can grow in general-purpose potting soil. It should be watered consistently, but it can stay dry for a little while.

Important to note, unfortunately, marble pothos can be poisonous to pets and humans if ingested.

5. Bird's Nest Fern

Bird's Nest Fern

  • Latin name: Asplenium nidus
  • Type of soil: loamy, moist but well-draining
  • Sun exposure: shade

Given the right environment, Bird’s Nest Fern can thrive and elevate your space to a new level. 

This plant has a slow growth rate. It grows the best in the shade and you should definitely avoid putting it in direct sunlight. The plant should be planted in soil with organic matter and has great drainage. It should be watered consistently. 

Bird’s Nest Fern is safe for pets and humans.

6. String of pearls

  • Latin name: Senecio rowleyanus
  • Type of soil: succulent soil 
  • Sun exposure: a mix of direct and indirect 

String of pearls is a quirky succulent that will add excitement to your space. 

String of pearls thrives on a mix of direct and indirect sunlight. Sandy soil is the best option for this plant, but any succulent potting soil should work. Just make sure the soil is well draining. The soil for this plant should be moist in summer and spring but don’t over-water it in the winter and autumn.

However, keep in mind this plant is toxic to pets and humans.

7. Heartleaf philodendron

Heartleaf philodendron

  • Latin name: Philodendron hederaceum
  • Type of soil: soilless potting mix
  • Sun exposure: bright, indirect light

Heartleaf philodendron is a popular easy-to-care-for houseplant. 

This plant does best in bright, indirect light, so keep it away from direct sunlight. It is sensitive to colder temperatures, so it should only be grown outside if you live in warmer climates. It thrives in peat-mixed potting soil. Be careful not to overwater this plant. 

Please note that this plant is toxic to humans and pets.

8. Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy

  • Latin name: Epipremnum aureum
  • Type of soil: general
  • Sun exposure: indirect light

Devil’s Ivy is a perfect plant for those who forget to take care of their plants. It is easy to take care of and it actually thrives on neglect. 

This plant needs bright indirect light to thrive and grow quickly. It can be planted in a general potting mix. If it’s plants getting yellow, the plant has been overwatered, so keep the watering to a minimum.

Devil’s Ivy can be irritant to humans and is poisonous to pets.

9. English Ivy

  • Latin name: Hedera helix
  • Type of soil: general
  • Sun exposure: indirect light

English Ivy is a perfect plant for hanging pots. 

Outdoors this plant thrives in partial to full shade, indoors it benefits from indirect light. It should be planted in well-draining pot soil. Ivy prefers to be in dryer soil, so don’t overwater it. 

English Ivy is toxic to pets and humans.

10. Boston Fern

  • Latin name: Hedera helix
  • Type of soil: general
  • Sun exposure: indirect light

Boston Fern is a perfect easy-to-care-for houseplant.

It doesn’t require a lot of light and doesn’t need to be watered often. However, keep in mind that the soil should not be dry. 

Also, Boston Fern is a pet-safe plant, so you can enjoy it without being worried about your little companions.


GrowSMALL hanging on the wall


Whatever hanging plant you choose, our self-watering planters will help you enjoy them and see them thrive with minimal effort. 

You can easily turn your home into a jungle with self watering planters for hanging on the wall, on stands, or to hang on your balcony.

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